A Conversation with Adrienne Rynes


If you haven’t already, meet Adrienne Rynes, Collective Design’s President of Interior Design. Recently named an Influential Woman of Design by Luxe Magazine, with over a decade of experience in the industry, we sit down with her to talk about what sets Collective apart, what a day in the life looks like, and the why behind Collective’s greater purpose.
Describe Collective Design. What sets you apart in the industry?
Collective Design offers integrated interior design and architecture services. While our functional business is design, our greater purpose is to enhance the lives of others. That focus is what sets us apart, not just in the industry, but in the greater culture of our country. Personal connection matters deeply.

Did you always want to work in the design industry? Was there a pivotal moment that made this clear to you?
Subconsciously, I believe I always wanted to work in the design industry, but I didn’t start my career in interior design. My academic focus was business and communications. I also minored in art history, always having a passion for the arts and historical events that were documented through design. I first worked as a consultant for Accenture in Washington, DC, and then as a marketing director for a smaller firm in Western Massachusetts. It wasn’t until building my own home in MA that I discovered my passion for all things design. That passion drove me back to school to focus on interior design and subsequently start my own interior design business.

Talk about mentors who shaped and inspired you personally and professionally.
I’ve met so many incredible people throughout my career that have shaped and inspired me personally and professionally. There are two women who impacted me the most. First, my grandmother. She taught me to love and appreciate the arts. Growing up, we went to countless musical performances, plays, ballets, and museums. Her profound appreciation for creative landscapes and people fueled my desire to learn as much as possible about art’s history and the world’s storytelling through singing, dancing, and painting. The second woman I met my sophomore year in college. I was a business student at George Washington University and was lucky to have an internship at a firm called WomanTrends, co-founded by a woman named Diana Holman. WomanTrends was the first company to analyze and interpret trends created by and affecting female consumers. Diana taught me how to research, analyze, and write about these market trends in the firm’s quarterly newsletter, whose subscribers included companies such as Bloomingdales and Estee Lauder. It was an incredible experience to be a part of a company that genuinely cared about women’s values and to learn from a woman as progressive as Diana.

Who do you consider to be the ultimate female icons of your trade? What unique strengths or points of view do you feel they bring to design?
Before my love of interior design, I had a love of fashion design. From the beginning, fashion represented culture, and culture and history have always driven trends in interiors. While Dorothy Draper paved the way for female designers with her vivacious color accents, we cannot forget about one of the most influential female fashion icons, Coco Channel, and her idea that “luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.” This philosophy is easily considered when designing a home’s interiors. The functionality of space is equally as important as the design of space itself.

What goal do you have for Collective Design in the future? Why?
My major goal for Collective Design is to drive more progressive design in mountain markets, leading the communities in which we work, and leaving a legacy of positive impact for others to continue cultivating. Our greater purpose is simple – to continue to enhance the lives of others.

Are there any thought-provoking books, podcasts, or other materials you’d recommend to your colleagues and/or future female design leaders? Why?
I recently read, Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, where the theme of the book is delivering happiness while living a life of passion and purpose. Recognizing that I discovered my passion for interior design later in life, I was enthusiastic to share Hsieh’s initial boredom with what society thought he should do versus what he was passionate about doing and why his passion led to greater success. That idea resonates with our team’s greater purpose of enhancing the lives of others. Ultimately, that’s what we’re all about.

Describe your typical workday.
Wake up early, Crossfit or skin uphill (new favorite sport!), and snuggle with my boys before having breakfast together and getting them off to school. At the office, I prep for my day, planning for meetings and reviewing design sets. Most days are spent on business development opportunities, connecting with new clients in the mountains.

What motivates and energizes you for your workday like nothing else?
Tuesdays. The entire Collective Team is in the office, including our interior designers from Summit County, Denver, and the Vail Valley. The energy that’s created when everyone is working collectively in one space, sourcing, scheming, and selecting fabric and wall coverings, is electric. The synergy when we’re all together, sharing ideas, and telling stories, is like nothing else. Creativity is at an all-time high, and the vibe is pure joy.

Talk about any projects or properties you’ve designed and/or overseen that exemplify your style, aesthetic, and unique professional skills.
Originally from New England, I have always loved the juxtaposition of old and new materials, creating spaces that enhance the overall feel of a home. Recently, our team finished a project in Breckenridge where we worked with the client to select reclaimed materials from their childhood region. While not typically common in mountain modern design, inserting history is both inspirational and relevant. Our market is not looking to preserve the past, but as designers, we’re interested in creating spaces that are unique to them and routed in their history.

If you weren’t in this profession, what would you be doing? Why?
I’d be a full-time mom with a wicked Pinterest account. I have two boys, 9 and 11 and they are my inspiration for everything I get to create. With them, I’d travel the world writing a blog about experiencing food, culture, and design as a family.

What does the future hold for women in design? How would you like to see the industry evolve with respect to the space it holds for women?
Recently, on a trip to Tuscany with my family, I took my children on a wine and honey tasting experience. During the honey tasting, the story of the honeybees was revealed, explaining that the male bee was critical in the reproduction of the species, but the female worker bee was ultimately responsible for all that sweet goodness that we love so much. Sounds about right to me and feels like everyone should know and understand that story! Women in design will define the path of the vision, rather than simply participating.

Is there anything else you wish to add?
I’ve worked with a lot of different people in my career, but I couldn’t be more excited and grateful to my current team. They’re my passion and my inspiration. I’m currently at an all-time high, loving what I do, with the people I’m with.

We’d love to hear from you! Contact us to learn more about how we’re enhancing lives through design.


Our Integrated Approach



You’ve long dreamt of building your forever home, and now you’re at the brink of starting your project. You know you need a visionary architect, a talented designer, and a smart builder to bring your new home to life—and you might assume that just having those three disciplines available to you means your project will run smoothly. 

But how the professionals work together matters. 

At Collective, we’ve created a streamlined approach that integrates architecture and design right from the beginning. “When people begin a home-building project, they typically start with the architect,” says lead Design Director Lisa Yates. “But with a designer at the table, we can begin helping you personalize spaces right away. We help you think about how a room will function: Do you want big sofas for lounging and/or small intimate spaces for conversation? That affects the space planning. Do you want a specific wall to be stone? Let’s show it that way right from the start so you can begin to envision your home.”  

Principal Architect Zane Levin agrees. “Architecture takes the big-picture approach,” he says. “We paint with a broader brush, while our interiors colleagues give a more detailed focus. To tag-team brings our clients a lot of benefits”—such as… 

Cohesive design: “When you separate architecture and interior design, you can end up with a home that feels disjointed,” Zane says. But integrating the two from the first meeting, clients’ priorities and vision go into every single decision—from big-picture questions about room sizes and lot orientation to details like kitchen-cabinet material and bed sizes in each guest room. The result: a home that fulfills the client’s wishes for style and functionality. 

More efficient timelines: Zane characterizes how the old home-design model works: After the drawings were mostly complete, the interior designer and client would meet to decide that the fireplace should be stone. The designer emails the architect, who responds within a day or two and says he needs to check with the engineer. The engineer responds another day or two with information about what the contractor needs to do to support stone installation. “One decision can take three or four days to finalize,” Zane says. “With our model, we can get through such decisions in a matter of hours, not days”—which saves our clients’ time. 

What’s more, with integrated design, the team at Collective can combat material delays. “We know what we need on the front end, and details are dialed-in before the builder even breaks ground,” Lisa says. “You’re not waiting for walls to go up before you choose your fixtures, finishes, and furnishings.” 

A better overall experience: “It’s enjoyable for everyone to have all of the experts around the table,” Zane says. Because Collective’s team is all housed under one roof, just down the hall from one another, we collaborate easily, brainstorming solutions and ideas to create beautiful and custom spaces for each client. “I love creating beautiful spaces,” he adds. “A large component of that is interior design. I don’t see architecture and interiors as two separate disciplines; they’re just two parts of the collective whole.” 

Collective’s architecture and design teams also welcome the opportunity to work with outside architects and designers. We’re always eager to start early on a project to bring our integrated approach to design for the benefit of each client! 



Steeped in Character

Winter Park Design Project


This client approached Collective Design after they had purchased their Winter Park home. Positioned directly across from the base area, this would serve as an ideal ski getaway for their family, and they sought to establish a modern sensibility to the space, while staying true to a distinctly Colorado state of mind. After having seen Collective’s award-winning work at the Summit County Parade of Homes and perusing their Frisco furniture store, these clients knew Collective could bring the perfect balance of upscale and natural furnishings and fixtures to their new home.
Winter Park redesigned bedroom

The Collective team worked with the clients to get a comprehensive understanding of their desires, aesthetic preferences and intentions for the space, in order to provide recommendations for the perfect pieces to complete their vision of home. A true partnership was formed as these clients placed their trust in us.

Winter Park Interior Design bathroom
Winter Park Interior Design

These clients were drawn to a neutral color palette and wanted to reflect the mountain environment in their ski home. We incorporated a lot of texture and black and white accents throughout, complimented by the playful prints depicting animals found in Colorado.

By bringing in custom upholstery, bedding and pillows, the clients were able to create a unique look for each space, layering different colors and patterns to add character based on each family member’s personality.

The end result is a beautiful amalgamation of everything this family loves. The custom upholstery and animal prints play perfectly with the natural materials of weathered woods and hand-woven textiles, accentuated with distinctive light fixtures and simple accessories. By getting to know these clients and their unique personalities, Collective was able to create a home, steeped in character, that showcases them while maintaining a true sense of place amidst the Winter Park landscape.

Winter Park kitchen
Winter Park kitchen

Tips for Timeless Design

Timeless design in modern living


Around this time every year, you start to see a lot of articles attempting to forecast the upcoming trends that will shape home design for the coming months. From the “color of the year,” expected to adorn every stylish home’s walls and furnishings, or a specific materials trend, like flooring or cabinetry, you’ll see all sorts of predictions that may, or may not, stand the test of time. When it comes to interior design, however, we understand that every project is different and doesn’t need to rely on annual trends in order to feel current and comfortable, long after the yearly fads have gone out of style. Instead, our award-winning interior designers approach each project knowing our client’s personal preferences, lifestyle and aesthetic, in order to create spaces that are decidedly timeless, and uniquely perfect. From the beginning of every design project, we ask questions to understand how our clients will utilize their spaces. We identify what their day-to-day looks like and determine how their personal style can be incorporated into their home. From here, we have go-to techniques that we recommend to clients who are looking for a timeless look, no matter how much trends may change. Read on for some of our favorite tips for creating spaces that reflect stylish sensibilities for years to come.
Start with Neutrals
Choosing neutrals such as whites, ivory or beige in fixed finishes and larger furnishings creates a blank canvas to add and exchange pops of color through accessories as seasons and tastes change. Textures and textiles, like wood, linens or velvet, in neutral colors also play an important role in creating a warm, welcoming, and well-designed space. Neutrals are classic and work in any style of home from modern to transitional to traditional and beyond, making it a very popular theme for many of our projects.
bedroom with timeless design
Incorporate Earthy Textures
Natural, earthy materials make any room inviting and comforting, especially here in the mountains. A space can really come to life by using elements like wood, stone, greenery, and other textures inspired by the outdoors. Whether you incorporate a stone countertop into your finish selections, a set of leather chairs in your furnishings, or top off your décor with a clay sculpture or succulent, consider a few natural elements to add interest to your space.
Customize Your Upholstered Furniture
When it comes to upholstered furniture, it is important to choose a high-quality, long-lasting, and comfortable piece. Investing in upholstered furnishings makes it completely customizable, allowing you to choose performance fabrics that will last for years to come. In addition to looking great, these durable options are especially beneficial for families with kids or pets. Alternatively, upholstered furniture allows you to pick a bold fabric that can always be reupholstered and replaced as tastes and lifestyles evolve.
Embrace Antiques
Another way to achieve timeless design in any style home is to incorporate a unique antique item, whether designing a room around one of your own treasured heirlooms or seeking out a piece that will work perfectly with your style. When it comes to antiques, we can help you find a great deal on high-quality furnishings to provide a one-of-a-kind statement piece in your home. We also love that when shopping antiques, we support small businesses and practice sustainability by reusing and repurposing.
Lighting is Key
We think it’s safe to say that lighting is one of the most important aspects of your home design and we’re here to help guide you in creating ambiance to reflect your style and how to utilize it best in your space. Architectural lighting, such as canned lighting, is key to showcase your furnishings while setting the overall mood. Decorative lighting can bring out more of the space’s style and aesthetic. We also love to flush fixed finishes with light, such as accent lighting in built-in cabinetry, to warm the space and make it more functional.
timeless bathroom design
Consider Metal Accents
We love adding decorative contrast to any space by incorporating metal accents. Different types of metal work in a range of décor styles – modern, industrial or traditional – and can make a space feel more feminine or masculine, depending on the chosen aesthetic.

Trying to balance your personal style with current styles while future-proofing your home can feel like an overwhelming feat. Our team’s experience and expertise make the process seamless and fun! We work with you to help you make choices that you will love now and down the road.


Vacation Rental Before & Afters

before and after


Designers Nicole Frye and the Collective team reimagined this 1980’s-era slope side condo by remodeling different spaces and replacing flooring and fixtures to reveal a brighter, more functional home. Curated furnishings and accessories brought a distinct air of modern comfort to complete the transformation.

Located in the Village at Breckenridge Resort, in the heart of town, this two-bedroom condo is provided as an employee benefit at a private company. With employees and their families and friends utilizing the space frequently, it needed to appeal to a variety of different guests and individual needs. The designers offered their expertise to provide interior design that focused on maximizing the functionality of the space while incorporating progressive, sophisticated guidance in every detail of the design.

“We were definitely looking for durable furniture that suits the rental nature of the property. Our goal was to modernize it, create more functional spaces for guests, and make it an inviting place to stay while encompassing a mountain modern aesthetic,” said Nicole.


New trim was added throughout the condo to provide a timeless, cleaner look. The fireplace in the living room was restored with stacked stone in order to open and brighten the space.


“We helped select high-quality, durable finishes, fixtures and furnishings that were within the client’s budget. One of my favorite things about this project was checking in on the construction process and seeing just how much the finishes alone transformed and upgraded the space,” said Nicole.


Our designers refreshed the kitchen by refacing the cabinets, installing new marble quartz countertops, replacing appliances and light fixtures, adding a fresh coat of paint, and a practical, yet stylish tile backsplash.


Nicole and team designed the bedrooms with a timeless, modern aesthetic in mind. New furnishings, textures and artwork transformed the spaces into dreamy, comfortable retreats.


If you’re looking to start from scratch, refresh your home or give your favorite space a simple makeover, get in touch with our team today. Through our relationship-focused approach, we’ll help you bring your spaces to life.


How To: Choose Accent Seating



The living room is one of the spaces where we spend most of our time, whether entertaining family and friends or relaxing with a favorite book after a long day. It’s a space that should always feel comfortable, while beautifully exuding your personal style.

Although it may not be the first thing you think of when composing your ideal living room, accent seating is essential in pulling together the aesthetic and functionality of the space. If you’re looking for a way to spice things up, incorporating the strong silhouette of an occasional chair can be a surprisingly simple way to embolden a space. If maximizing your seating is the goal, accent chairs are a straightforward way to fulfill this need while making a statement through custom fabric, finishes and styles that complement the rest of your look.

When choosing your accent seating, there are many styles to consider. To narrow down your options, first choose your piece based on functionality, considering how it might be used day-to-day and how it fits in the space. From there, you can get creative with customizations to make it your own, and a one-of-a-kind piece.

Swivel Give yourself the ability to face one direction – a window view or cozy fire – and spin back to face the room. A swivel chair works well in any space, but is particularly suited to an open floor plan, an entry or a reading nook.

Give yourself the ability to face one direction – a window view or cozy fire – and spin back to face the room. A swivel chair works well in any space, but is particularly suited to an open floor plan, an entry or a reading nook.


Customize a unique silhouette with a fun fabric and finish and suddenly you’ve got yourself a piece of functional art. Statement seating can be fun in a living room or bedroom space.


If sophistication is your aesthetic goal, a wing-backed style is an excellent addition to your room. Classic accent chairs are really transitional and can fit well in many spaces. Feature a pair in your living room or place a single chair in your office or bedroom.

chairand a half
Chair and a Half

This ultra-cozy style is the perfect piece to curl up with a good book and a textured throw. By providing a bit more space to spread out, the chair and a half will become your favorite spot in the living or bedroom.


Placing it under a window, by a fireplace, or as a seating bench at the end of a bed or against a wall, a chaise adds a dramatic element to your schematic. With the wide variety of styles and customization options, it’s the perfect piece to balance masculine and feminine preferences.


Motion pieces allow for maximum comfort, and with ultra-chic, modern options, there is no need to sacrifice style for the ability to recline. Relaxers are ideal in a large living room or entertainment area.


Ultimately, when choosing accent seating, don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles in different spaces to add depth and interest. Looking for more how-to’s to help revamp your space? Check out our blog on How To Choose Accent Lighting.

For more designer insight, our team is available to help you create spaces that reflect who you are and what you love. Contact us today to discuss your project.


Our Guide to Furniture Customizations

furniture customization

A Step-by-step Guide to Furniture Customizations

Your home is a unique representation of you and your family and should be filled with items that are a perfect fit for your space, vision and lifestyle. At Collective, we’re here to help you plan your spaces and guide you through customization options, ultimately to craft one-of-a kind furnishings that provide the perfect balance of function, comfort and style.

Most of our products, including upholstery, bedding, case goods, and accent pieces can be customized to uniquely serve both the needs of your space as well as your personal preferences. While you may begin by falling in love with something on our furniture store floor, you can further customize it with your choice of size, shape, fabrics, finishes and details.

As an example of how we approach the customization process, I’ll walk you through the steps we take to help you create a sofa or sectional that is high-quality, long-lasting, and exclusive to you and your aesthetic.

furniture design
Step 1: Choosing Layout

Seating is the centerpiece of any living area. Selecting the right configuration is the first step in creating a piece that feels as though it was destined for the space.

To maximize seating whilst remaining open to the surrounding space, standard sofas come in a variety of lengths, and can easily pair with additional seating options.

To economize space and maintain openness, you always have the option of a shorter profile sofa, The Loveseat. A loveseat as an accent piece offers an opportunity to experiment further with complementary finishes and fabrics.

Chaise Sectional
Provide a more relaxed feel to any space with a chaise sectional. This option also lends a great amount of seating at a more versatile size than an ‘L’ or ‘U’ shaped sectional.

U-Shaped or L-Shaped
These sectionals allow for incredibly inclusive seating. We often employ this style when working with a large space focused around one centered-seating area.

Step 2: Choosing Back Height & Seat Depth

Sofas, sectionals, and chairs can be personalized in terms of height and depth. You can change the vibe of a room depending on these simple measurements. A lower back height with deeper seating is associated with a more modern look, while a higher back and shallower seat depth leans a little more traditional in style.

Step 3: Choosing Arm Style

When it comes to arms, style and functionality are key factors for completing your custom piece. Track arms tend to be popular among our clients here in the mountains and can be further customized by having the option to choose the width of the arm. There are also more traditional and contemporary options like the English Arm or Rolled Arms.

Step 4: Choosing Leg Options

The right leg for your upholstery item can depend on what pieces are already in your room. If you have abundant pieces in the room that you can see through the underside (such as coffee or side tables), a box leg or another style that meets the floor helps to balance the space. Short, box legs tend to feel more modern, a taper leg is contemporary and can swing either modern or traditional depending on other pieces throughout the room, and ferrule legs are the most traditional. These styles are all equally popular in our clients’ mountain homes.

Step 5: Choosing Upholstery

Durable, performance fabrics are becoming more and more inclusive to different style choices. We have access to a wide variety of fashion-forward, high-quality fabrics that ensure longevity. Pay close attention to weave when choosing upholstery; a tighter weave prevents snagging if your day-to-day includes kids and pets utilizing the furniture. After we’ve narrowed down the right fabric type for your lifestyle, we can play with different schematics to help guide a color palette.

Step 6: Choosing Nail Heads & Stitching

Nail heads are often a custom upholstery option that can showcase as traditional or industrial based on your style preference. When considering nail heads, it’s best to match them with your fabric first. For further customization of the details, you even have the opportunity to select the thread color on a multitude of welt and seam options.

Step 6: Choosing Nail Heads & Stitching

Nail heads are often a custom upholstery option that can showcase as traditional or industrial based on your style preference. When considering nail heads, it’s best to match them with your fabric first. For further customization of the details, you even have the opportunity to select the thread color on a multitude of welt and seam options.

Step 8: Final styling

Finally, make your living space cozy and welcoming by accessorizing with textural throws and lots of pillows, adding style and comfort. We can help you construct completely customized pillow schematics.

We’re here to help with every step along the way in order to create and design beautifully made pieces just for you. Our goal as designers is to serve as an additional source of inspiration, as well as a catalyst for bringing your vision to life.


How To: Choose Accent Lighting

accent lighting


Lighting is arguably one of the most important elements of a design. It sets the tone of the room, and with the right statement piece, is often the first thing you notice upon entering. The right lighting can revive, motivate or relax you, depending on the style.

When choosing lighting, every space should have layered illumination, which can include any combination of overhead, task and accent lighting. No matter the layout, there should be contrast and light illuminating the focal points of the space.

Accent lighting is key in creating some of the most inviting ambience. When choosing accent lighting, consider the overall style of the space and pieces you love. To narrow down your options further, consider how it will fit in your space and add to the everyday functionality.

Types of Accent Lighting

If kept in proportion to the size of the room, large chandeliers can be used in any part of the home to make a statement without overwhelming the space.

Dalton accent lighting

Add a fun, unique look to a room with a bare-bulb fixture like the Dalton chandelier. This chandelier style offers a bold option for a modern or industrial home.

Denver accent lighting

This piece will be the main attraction in any modern or contemporary space. It looks exceptionally beautiful over a dining table or coffee table.

Starburst accent lighting

Functioning as a chandelier and a work of art, the Starburst chandelier is the ultimate showstopper.

Table Lamps

Incorporating table lamps along with overhead lighting creates layers and allows for different combinations to suit varying needs and moods.

Flint table lamp

Bold and dark, this lamp is a stunning addition to a bedside table or console in the living room. This table lamp adds an interesting ambiance to any space with high contrast of dark and light.

Taylot table lamp

A marble table lamp adds a subtle, pretty texture to a space. Beautiful in a neutral room or with complimenting accent colors, the Taylot lamp illuminates its own unique base as well as its surroundings.

Alden table lamp

This table lamp features a polished, natural horn set on a crystal base. It’s a stylish, mountain modern choice for a side table, desk or buffet.

Floor Lamps

A must-have in your living space, floor lamps offer another illumination layer and can sit right beside your sofa as opposed to having a side table. Floor lamps not only offer great light, but double as an art piece.

Forest floor lamp

Bring a natural element into your mountain home with the Forest floor lamp. This one-of-a-kind piece looks beautiful in a living area or a reading nook.

Jackie floor lamp

This classic floor lamp works in many different types and styles of spaces. It’s also the perfect piece to balance masculine and feminine preferences.

Geotangle floor lamp

This classic floor lamp works in many different types and styles of spaces. It’s also the perfect piece to balance masculine and feminine preferences.

When choosing lighting, don’t be afraid to mix metals or styles in different spaces of your home. If you’re looking for another way to revamp your space check out our blog on How To Choose Accent Seating or expand your options further with our Step-By-Step Guide to Customizations. For more designer insight, our team is available to help you create space that reflect your personal aesthetic. Ready to light it up?

A Conversation with Kelsey Smith

Kelsey Colwell

A Conversation with Kelsey Smith

Originally from Nebraska, Kelsey ventured east to earn her B.A. in Theater from Loyola University of Chicago. After graduating, she moved to the mountains and began her career in Summit County as a scenic painter for the Lake Dillon Theater in Silverthorne and the Backstage Theater in Breckenridge. She’s transitioned her love of set design to focus on interiors as a Associate Designer with our Frisco design team.

Get to know Kelsey, how she starts her design process, what she’s working on, and how she builds relationships along the way to make any client’s house feel like home.

How did you know you wanted to get into the world of interior design?
I actually began my design career from a unique angle. I’ve not only worked on stage, acting, but also have spent time designing and constructing sets. I love working with different mediums, fabrics, paints, and techniques to create an interesting and functional space for the actors and audience. I’m excited to use these skills to provide clients with stylish and functional design concepts.

How do you describe your job as a designer?
I believe the fundamental job of a designer is to really listen to the client. I always ask a lot of questions to figure out how they use their spaces on a daily basis, as well as their likes and dislikes. Each client is different so every design should be unique and personal to them.

Walk me through the beginning of your design process…
The most important part of getting started with a design project is getting to know my client’s style through inspiration from Houzz or Pinterest. It’s a great way to begin breaking down and understanding their vision. We’ll also spend time looking at paint, fabric or finish samples to get a feel for their detail preferences, too.

From there, I ask questions that will set the parameters of the project; budget, number of rooms, and what the space will be used for.

Once we determine the basic foundation of the design, we can start to elaborate and broaden those ideas. By establishing a great relationship and trust with my clients, we are able to bring their dreams to life, and more.

How important is relationship when designing a client’s home?
Relationship is everything. Having an open, positive and approachable relationship with each client is vital. The more comfortable the client is with expressing his or her preferences and desires, the better the end results.

How do you help clients whose design aesthetic might not be like yours?
I’m a huge believer that interior design should always reflect the client’s style, even if it’s different than that of the designer. I’m here as a guide and to offer up my expertise and provide product options, while making sure the overall design is exclusive to the client’s aesthetic.

How do you make sure your client’s house feels like home?
Making a house feel like a home is all in the details. Some pieces will be new and focused around the overall design concept, but others should be personal items that are important to the client. The key is combining the new and existing pieces in a way that feels natural and deliberate.

interior design
What does a successful project mean to you?
A successful project means I have a happy client. I do my best to encompass all the components and details to give them the most aesthetic and functional design for their space.

It also means that I’ve made a new friendship, and that I not only expanded on their preferences, but I learned to value their style along the way to help them create their perfect space.

And lastly, a successful project means that my client would seek me out for their next projects or future updates. Repeat clients are the ultimate form of flattery.

Finish this sentence. Every space needs…
A focal point and to be functional.

What do you like best about your line of work?
I like that it is very fluid, always changing, and that every client brings a new and different design experience.

What made you want to be a part of the Collective team?
Definitely the people. I was instantly welcomed with open arms to the team. They’re such a talented group that really knows how to connect and have fun in their client and colleague relationships.

What are you looking forward to most in your career at Collective?
I can’t wait to grow more as a designer and exceed my clients’ expectations.



How To: Style Your Bed

style your bed


Along with her general talent for design, you could say Design Director Lisa Yates is a custom bedding guru. From the smallest details, to the entire bedroom space, every piece is thoughtfully chosen, inspiring, and personal.

While, at first glance, the bed seems like a fairly straightforward piece to style, choosing the many components of custom bedding can quickly become an overwhelming task. Lisa breaks the process down in manageable steps, complete with styling tips, to put together a picture-perfect, comfortable bedding ensemble.

Step 1: The Bedding Basics
Those items that aren’t “front and center” are just as important to the overall comfort of your bed. Start with a mattress pad and pillow protectors. Both of these items will extend the life of your mattress, bedding, and sleeping pillows, and will also help to keep allergens at bay.

style your bed

Step 2: The Sheets
Thread count refers to the number of horizontal and vertical threads per square inch. Generally, the higher the thread count, the softer the sheet, and the more likely it will wear well or even soften over time. Good sheets range anywhere from 200 to 800, but in reality, the type of weave and quality of the cotton or other materials used makes a much bigger difference than the thread count number. Linen sheets are increasingly popular, given the recent trend of the more “unmade” bed look. It wears beautifully over time and is very breathable, but if you’re not of fan of wrinkles, be sure to invest in a steamer! While I will often recommend classic white sheets, this is also a great place to have some fun with colors and patterns.

style your bed

Step 3: The Duvet and Blanket
Try layering your duvet with a cozy blanket or coverlet. Have fun with the layering and mix it up for a different look by trying out different patterns and textures. Having both allows you to layer up (or down!) overnight as the temperature changes. I personally love how a duvet folded at the foot of the bed gives the space an overall feeling of warmth and coziness.

style your bed

Step 4: Pillows
Start with stacking your sleeping pillows on top of each other against the headboard, then place larger decorative pillows in front of those. You can add more pillows by working your way forward with smaller sizes. This is another place to play with color and pattern. Start with your favorite and use it as the anchor piece. Choose additional pillows with similar color tones. You can add multiple patterns and textures, as long as they’re all in the same general color palette.

style your bed

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